There are no hard and fast rules for project planning. However, we recommend that you use these six questions as a basis for creating one.

1. Should you start with an executive summary?

The executive summary sits at the beginning of your project plan and should summarize the main points of the project plan. It should reiterate the purpose of the project plan, present the main points of the plan, and explain any findings, conclusions, or recommendations from the project. Even though it is at the beginning of your work plan, it is the last thing you write, because you have to remove other points from your plan.

2. What is the scope of the project?

There are few things worse than starting a project only to have it explode. By defining the scope of the project, you set boundaries for the start and end dates of the project as well as expectations and close engagement with who approves requests – and what needs approval – at all times.

It also includes identifying potential risks and meeting those expectations and providing preventative measures to mitigate those risks. It is important to know exactly who is responsible for monitoring these risks. This step will help you prevent over-rotation, or the way work demands increase the life of the work.

3. How will you organize your work?

There are many methods you can use to conduct your work and it will affect how your company works and how you generate and allocate revenue.

Remember that creating too many dependencies in your work schedule can negatively affect success, so try to find a way for the team to work independently to complete the achievements on time. It is also good to consider the number of supporters required to maintain order but also to avoid obstacles.

Above all, it is important to set aside specific time for sharing knowledge with the group, so that your work can be successful. Write down the communication methods you will use to support.

4. What equipment do you have?

Describe the resources you have for this role:

Physical resources

You need to be specific when considering what you want or need to complete the task and or risk everything going wrong.

For example, when the team is competent and highly skilled, 30% of projects can be successful.

But a third of people don’t think their team has all the necessary skills for the job – a recipe for failure. The number of team members is also important – if the workload and available people are not good, efficiency and quality will suffer. If you want to properly allocate your resources to meet your goals, you need to be realistic about resource allocation.

5. What is your schedule like?

Teams that implement strategies within a work plan are 52% more likely to succeed. Despite this, 80% of projects do not always maintain a baseline. This is probably the reason why 43% of companies say that they rarely or never complete successful projects on time.

In this sense, it is wise to add a project management section to your project plan. This part of your plan should set expectations for when you will deliver and how you will meet your deadlines or work schedule.

Your timeline will vary depending on the course you choose.

6. How will you manage change?

Organizations put change management in their top 3 job challenges. If you don’t have a change management plan in place, your team won’t know what to do if there are unexpected changes.